08 May 2012

Continuing in the Old Paths Part V

I. Continue in Old Time Doctrine - I Timothy 4:16
     A. Biblical Doctrines
            1. Concerning Salvation
            2. Concerning the Scriptures - II Timothy 3:16
       In order to continue in the old paths, it will take not only continuing in Biblical Doctrine concerning Salvation, it will take continuing in the doctrine concerning the Scriptures! Let me begin by saying if you have not trusted Christ alone for salvation, the rest of what I say is meaningless to you because you are lost and need to get saved! Go back and read my previous posts regarding salvation and make the decision today to trust in Jesus alone to save you.
       Many question whether we have God's Word today. I can tell you with authority from the King of Kings that we do in fact have God's Word today. Some believe that the Bible contains the Word of God or that it becomes the Word of God. Neither position is correct because the Bible is the Word of God.
       Before I go further, let me state my position clearly. I believe the King James Version is the Word of God. This is the only Bible I read, study, and preach. There is alot of debate about the various versions that are available. Versions such as the NIV, RSV, NASB, etc, contain the Word but it cannot be accurately said that the NIV is the Word of God. The King James Version was translated accurately from the Hebrew Masoretic Text (Old Testament) and the Greek Textus Receptus [Received Text] (New Testament). The KJV is the only translation that has come only from these two texts. Modern translations such as the ones mentioned above were translated from the Critical Text (Wescott-Hort Text) or are attempts to blend the two (i.e. the New King James Version). I am not backing down from this issue but I am going to stand my ground! God has blessed and honored the KJV and very simply the KJV is the Word of God!
       In today's post, we will begin studying II Timothy 3:16 as we look at Old Time Doctrine concerning the Scriptures. "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness." This verse speaks of the Writing of Scripture, the Worth of Scripture, and the Work of Scripture. Today we will notice the Writing of Scripture.
                  a.The Writing of Scripture "All Scripture is given by         inspiration of God..."
                    This phrase tells us What was given, How It was given, and Who gave It.
                             i. What was given "All Scripture was given..."
    This is pretty straightforward and simple. All Scripture. All of it! All 66 books of the Bible are equally inspired by God.
                           ii. How It was given "by inspiration of God"
I believe in the verbal, plenary inspiration of the Bible. By this I mean that the individual writers were directed by God in their choice of words (verbal) and that every part of the Bible (plenary) is inspired. The word "inspiration" means "God-breathed" and emphasizes that God originated the Bible. II Peter 1:21 "For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost." This verse relates the same truth. The Holy Ghost moved upon the writers and guided them to write down exactly what He wanted them to write in the Scriptures. Inspiration describes the origin of the Bible and the reason we have God's Word today is because of preservation. God inspired His Word, then He preserved His Word. Psalms 12:6-7 "The words of the Lord are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation forever." Thank God for the inspiration and preservation of His Word!!!! AMEN!!!
                           iii. Who gave it  "God"
God is the Author of the Bible! This is the reason that the Bible has the right to demand our obedience. If the Bible was not God's Word, I would not bother doing any of the things I do. But I hold in my hands the Word of God! The Bible is true, the Bible is trustworthy, the Bible has been tested and trampled on, but it still remains! I am glad God gave us His Word! The question is - will you obey the Bible? If you are truly continuing in the old paths, the answer should be yes! Let me close for today with this simple command from James 1:22 "But be ye doers of the Word, and not hearers only, decieving your own selves."

In the service of the King of Kings,
Bro. Troy